Friday, January 25, 2013

Create your own Diet Plan

Having a very specific Diet Plan is the most effective way to achieve your goal and lose your weight. Then you can fix the tips that help you to reach your great goal.
In this article we will give you specific instructions to create your Diet Plan:-
1- Your first step is to determine the amount of calories you need in order to maintain your weight. There are many tools on the internet help you to fix the calories that your body needs, but we can say for example you can multiply your weight b 10 and if your weight is 160 pounds, we can say that your body needs minimum 1600 calories per day.
This number if you are completely inactive so you can add more calories according to your activity level.

2- If you want to lose one pound/week, you need to decrease or cut out 500 calories/day. Here we should advice you not to lose weight more than two pounds per week.

3- It's very important to prepare a list that counts the calories about your lovely foods. Also add the foods that you eat every day and there are many websites that can count the different foods calories for you easily.

4- Here you can replace the high-calories foods with the lower-calories foods for healthier life. For example you can try to eat turkey instead of meat also you can make a homemade pizza with tomato sauce, some olive oil and thyme with little bit of cheese instead of the ordinary pizza that have more and more calories. So don't stop eating all foods you love but just make your healthier version.

5- The next step is to write your weekly Diet Plan or meals plan that include the 3 meals breakfast, dinner and lunch in addition to two snacks. All you want is your total calories per day minus 500 calories (as step No.2).

6- This step is one of the most important steps; you must create a backup Diet Plan as you may feel hungrier one day during the week than other days, here you can eat healthy snacks for example: bananas, carrots, low fat yogurt …etc in order to help you to continue you Diet Plan.

7- Walking for 30 minutes 3 times/week can also help you burn more calories. In this case if you burn 150 calories, you will need to eat 75-calorie snack. On the other hand you should drink eight glasses of water at least per pay.

Finally you should talk to your doctor before starting any Diet Plan as you may suffer from any disease such as anemia or something like this…We wish always God bless all of you.

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